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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Feelings over thinking....

There is something that is happening in this world without your control, then it will be the process of thinking. We think consciously and subconsciously. They always become responsible for the creation of our own perceptions or misconceptions. It is this thinking which brings out different emotions in us.They influence our mind indirectly and directly. It is clear that, when we think of something that we have never seen, our mind will create a picture of that and it make some perceptions or misconceptions according to our knowledge.It is quite difficult to follow something without the influence of our mind.

Are we able to analyse something with a free mind?

I think, it is very hard to think without getting influenced by our mind. Every time I tried to make a decision with a free mind, I could see the procession of thoughts arising and trying to influence my decision.
The practice of yoga always helps me in such cases as it enables me to see my thoughts in a visual frame of mind, let me know what I'm thinking of that decision. Then I follow my feelings to arrive at the decision. Feelings that comes from our inner sense are quite hard to influence, if we are aware of the thoughts that flashes in our mind.For example, I don't know, how much one will be successful, to influence someones feeling of the great taste, that one got from a delicious food.No comments can deny the beauty of a blissful sunset we watch. That is the reason why I believe thoughts are inferior to feelings.
Listen to your heart not to your mind and if use your mind make sure, it is free from influences of perceptions and misconceptions....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Golden Facts on 63th Anniversary of Independence

These facts were published in a German magazine, which deals with WORLD HISTORY FACTS ABOUT INDIA.
1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.

2. India invented the Number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

3. The world's first University was established in Takshila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4 th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

4. According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.

5. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.

6. Although western media portray modern images of India as poverty striken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.

7. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.

8. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now known as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan's works dates to the 6 th Century which is long before the European mathematicians.

9. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India . Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11 th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 10 53

10. According to the Gemmological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.

11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.

12. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.

13. Chess was invented in India

14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India .

15. When many cultures in the world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley ( Indus Valley ) India in 100 BC.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Taming our mind..

Is there anyone, who is not thinking? We all are thinking all the time and we are all having different thoughts. Sometimes pleasant thoughts sometimes bad thoughts and so on. We are not able to control the thinking process. We are never aware of this thinking process. It wanders from one thing to another like a free horse. You might have noticed the fact, that if you control your thoughts it comes back to with a great strength. You may be aware of the thing, that your emotions are backed by your thoughts. This thinking process takes a lot of energy. That is the reason why, people engaged in works requires a lot thinking get tired easily that a person who is doing physical work. Is it healthy to have a lot of unnecessary thoughts? Surely no…..

How can we control our thoughts?

Controlling of mind doesn’t mean suppression of thoughts and it will never help us to control the mind. We can control our mind to some extend by giving it a task. Normally when we read news papers, external thoughts may not disturb the reading. But the thought comes back once we stop reading. The best way to keep our mind engaged is to let the mind observe what it is doing. It means observing our own thoughts. Once, when we look at our mind, we can see our mind becomes thoughtless for a moment. What ever the thoughts is, become aware of our thinking, observe our thoughts, like we watch a movie on a projected screen. This will help us to see our thoughts and we can avoid unhealthy thoughts and distractions. Let this be the first step on controlling the uncontrollable....

Monday, July 13, 2009

A story told by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

A group of traders were trying to cross a desert and they arrived at an oasis and they decided to take rest for the night.Everybody were so tired, even the camels. When it was time to secure the camels, they found one of the hitching pin to tie the camels was missing. They tied all the camels except one. None of them wanted to stay awake watching the camel neither loose it by letting him free. Then one of the men came and took the rope and after he went through all the motions of tethering the animal to a pin- an imaginary pin. Afterwards, the camel was bedded down and he was convinced that it was securely bound and everybody went to sleep.

Next morning, the camels were released. Everyone made ready to continue there journey,except the camel, which was tied in the imaginary pin. It refused to get up and move. Everybody did all the possible things, but the camel didn't moved. Meanwhile the man who did the trick last day realised the reason for the animal's obstinacy. He went to the camel's imaginary hitching pin and went through all the usual motions of untying the rope and releasing the camel. Soon it stood up without any hesitation believing that it was now free.

We all are like this camel. Even if we are free as the untied camel, we like to compare ourselves with others and this will limit our potentials. In our life we limit our capacities and potentials misconceptions as we believe we are bound firmly. We all are free to explore ourselves,and develop our potentials to its best.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some Aesthetic thoughts....

Almost all of us are concerned about our looks. If we are fair we try to tan, if we are dark we try to be fair, we try all our best to make us better than the way we are. But all the time we are unaware of the change that happens inside our body.In this way we manipulate our body for our appearance. Why we are not satisfied by the way we are? Why we need to change physically to be a better person?Why we think what other people think of us ?

Most women are fond of high heeled shoes, because they believe that their look changes and it gives them a better look. But they are not aware or sometimes ignoring the problems that can possibly have because of using high heeled shoes.It can manipulate the whole spine gradually as you use them. With in few years, it changes your spine. Now the back pain is common with women and unfortunately this is one reason.The problems becomes severe as you become older as you can find problems in your feet and even knee. Over the concerns of our looks, we will have physical problems when we become old. 

We must have to be proud of what we are. We don't have to change physically, but an intellectual growth is what we need to be attractive. Remember! most of the great people were not really attractive physically, but their thoughts and visions pulled us.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When we eat....

Our nature has given all kinds of food that we need to survive. Still, we are very concerned about our types of food and the their quality.Some of us are vegetarian some are non vegetarian. One thing is sure the food that we consume can influence our mind. Plants triggers less aggression than meat sure, that can be the reason why lions are more aggressive than the elephants even if it is smaller compared to the elephants.

Some people often contempt eating meat and they argue that the non veg people kills a living creature with feelings. How can we say that plants don't have feelings? Plants are also sensible like the animals but their world is different. An ivy plants is looking for a support to creep. Like that, plants have their own feelings. So criticism towards eating meat eating is point less, as one kind of life form is relying on the another kind of life form for food. That's how the food cycle is made.

Over all, there is something we must realise. It is not what we eat that matters, it is how much we eat. For the appetite.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fear of Death

Death is a natural phenomena yet a mysterious thing.We all are looking, searching for and on a lot of subjects and topics in this world. But few people will be interested in the mysteries behind the death.

Death- The biggest fear of all.

When we tie our selves in this fear, we let us suffer. We are reluctant to leave the comforts of our body, but the body is never comfortable when we suffer. Unfortunately, we are very much attached to this perishable body. If we realize that death is just a door to another life, we could overcome this fear to a greater extend. Death will take us to another world and another experiences, according to a new script that nature decides on the basis of our actions, because we are in the cycle of life.
We have many lives, not just one. Then only nature can justify the sufferings of the people. No one is born for just suffering. If we are suffering now, it is because of the actions that we made in our previous lives or even this life.

Some people think suicide as an easy way to end their sufferance but it is not the fact. Except in all natural death, we just loose the physical body but we will have your consciousness stays in this world along with the astral and causal bodies.

Suicide is the worst thing someone can do to himself.

If you have the awareness of your life and can dis attach yourselves from the materiality of this world you can overcome the fear of death.

Remember, death is not the end.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lord aspect we look for

Lord Ganesh, Hindu God with the  elephant head. The first God to be worshiped before the beginning of every good thing. He is the one who removes all the obstacles from your way and he is the one who gives you the knowledge and talents.Even his picture has a beautiful depiction.He is worshipped widely all over India.

Who is Ganesh?

Like all the Hindu Gods and Goddess, he is showing a unique philosophy. Whenever you want to acheive something you need confidence. If you are confident you can accomplish anything. We have to be confident like an elephant, then what obstacle can stay in our way??A confident person can use his knowledge and talents in a better way. Knowledge and talents without confidence is useless...

Believe in him.....he is there with in...Jai Ganesh

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Core of Problems

Our body often reflects our attitudes, emotions and so...all these things are coming from inside us. We can say it is from our soul or from our consciousness. All the problems are some kind of reaction of our own mental character.

For example, the gravitational pull of the earth lies with  the core of the earth, but all that, what it attracts hits the crust of the earth. So crust is something that reflects the real earth and we are just bothered about it.

So what ever we reflects in our physical body is what we create in our Psychic body.... We just have to realize the Core of the real physical problems.....It is just an instrument form the real experiences

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Living Single

We human are generally softhearted and we are sensible to the world around us.We cry with our friends,sometimes laugh with strangers, get angry with each other and so... See how sensible we are? We love to have a world around us with all these different emotions. So choice of living single, happily through our life will be a test of our character. 

But can't we live alone in the world?Why we expect the support and company from others?It is because we are not confident about our life. We must have to face everything that might come across in our life and it should be faced alone.

We should feel strong inside.We are the one who decide our  life, so how we can regret for the things we face.Never look back! What ever is happened is happened and never waste the time for the cross checking.Be bold and brave in our decisions. When we do that, we will be able to meet our life with ease.

Never expect any care and love, but keep focus in your life.Enjoy the freedom of living.....

Single living means, bold living........

Saturday, March 7, 2009

No Stress in work.....

No work in the world is stressful.If we feel we are getting stressed out of our work, it means we are doing a work in which we have any interest or feelings. We must use our feelings to keep the interest in what we are doing.Then we will not be stressed of our work,We will start enjoying the work.

A painting is created out of someones interest and feelings.Painting is an art.It leaves satisfaction with the person who will do it.That is the reason why an artist is not stressed of his work.This is the not the case just with art but also with any work. A farmer enjoys his work, though he won't have enough return.When you look for satisfaction on what you do, stress won't come to us and we will be happy with our work.

But when we undertake a task and expect some benefits, then we have to satisfy not just us, but also others.That is the main thing which will cause us stress.There is no stressing work in the world, it is just the part of our mind, stress is something that we create out of our demands over what we are doing and sometimes we are not able to keep personal things away from our work. In the end it become horrible to work.

What makes the food of your mother so special?

Believe, it is the feeling, that she put when she cook the food for you....

Think!  are you in the right job? Just money makes you happy?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Reality of the Unreal World

From the time we are born to the time we are now, we had gone through a lot of experiences, we had acquired a lot of knowledge, we had gone through a lot of emotions.

Our sense helped us to experience, acquire and go through our life.Hence we had created a world around us, out of this senses. It is this senses, which create the REAL world around us. We are very much into this world.

But we ever thought about the limitation of our senses?

Sense of Vision       : We can only see objects which will reflects light and which has got a shape.

Sense of Hearing   : We can only hear the sound frequencies which will come between 20-200 decibels.

Sense of Smelling: Our sense of smelling is very poor compared to other animals.

Sense of Taste       : Our taste buds can recognise just 4 tastes.

Sense of Touch     : Sensibility is limited.

See, our experiences were not complete.So is it wise to believe there is nothing exists beyond our sensibility?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When you gift something...

Did you ever felt that the gift that you gave to someone was not kept or respected the way it deserved?

If you felt it, then it is better you don't gift. Gifting is an act where you express your feelings like appreciation, affection admiration and so or even in an open sense to convince somebody. In any reasons we shouldn't get attached with the gift we present. It not a clean act.

Gifting should be done with all your heart.

Once a trader offered some expensive clothes to Buddha as gift when he was visiting his village and addressing the people. After the preach Buddha gave all the gifts he received to the people around. The trader was not happy with what his master was done. He went to Buddha and asked "why you didn't care the gift that I gave you?"

Buddha smiled and asked " why you gave me those clothes to me if you had that much feelings over them?, You gift me the clothes but not your heart, so it wasn't a gift. It is this attachment that makes us unhappy in our lives."

When we gift something to someone, its not the gift, but it is the heart which is valued. There the gift is not appreciated but the heart. Regard the heart, not the thing. Care the heart not the gift.

Live free.... give up the attachments.

Monday, February 2, 2009

World, lacks Respect?

Do think you are respected by your fellow beings?

If you are not happy then;
1. We must be either demanding,
2.We are expecting the things to be happen the way we wanted

Unfortunately its not the way of nature, it has its own way.
I think we can overcome this sadness by becoming aware of the real situations. These situations in your life is either created by your actions or due to misconceptions or even your perceptions.

When you sleep,how you got disturbed by the music played in the next room by your neighbor.It will be the same music you play when you are in good mood. Here in that moment you want everyone to respect your sleep. See even when you sleep you are demanding, actually its your subconscious is something which wake you up because of your own created perception. In this way we disturb ourselves. We need to be more open. If we would had a kind of attitude that I will sleep even my neighbor would play music, then sure you would never got disturbed by his music. Change is possible if we are ready to change........

Respect cannot be demanded......

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Meant to bring the world together, beyond all boundaries, cultures,religions and racial discrimination. In this momentous life we can share all the joys the worries of our life make our life a celebration.No and the world remain in peace.............Lokha Samastha Sukino Bhavanthu: