Are we able to analyse something with a free mind?
I think, it is very hard to think without getting influenced by our mind. Every time I tried to make a decision with a free mind, I could see the procession of thoughts arising and trying to influence my decision.
The practice of yoga always helps me in such cases as it enables me to see my thoughts in a visual frame of mind, let me know what I'm thinking of that decision. Then I follow my feelings to arrive at the decision. Feelings that comes from our inner sense are quite hard to influence, if we are aware of the thoughts that flashes in our mind.For example, I don't know, how much one will be successful, to influence someones feeling of the great taste, that one got from a delicious food.No comments can deny the beauty of a blissful sunset we watch. That is the reason why I believe thoughts are inferior to feelings.
Listen to your heart not to your mind and if use your mind make sure, it is free from influences of perceptions and misconceptions....