Death- The biggest fear of all.
When we tie our selves in this fear, we let us suffer. We are reluctant to leave the comforts of our body, but the body is never comfortable when we suffer. Unfortunately, we are very much attached to this perishable body. If we realize that death is just a door to another life, we could overcome this fear to a greater extend. Death will take us to another world and another experiences, according to a new script that nature decides on the basis of our actions, because we are in the cycle of life.
We have many lives, not just one. Then only nature can justify the sufferings of the people. No one is born for just suffering. If we are suffering now, it is because of the actions that we made in our previous lives or even this life.
Some people think suicide as an easy way to end their sufferance but it is not the fact. Except in all natural death, we just loose the physical body but we will have your consciousness stays in this world along with the astral and causal bodies.
Suicide is the worst thing someone can do to himself.
If you have the awareness of your life and can dis attach yourselves from the materiality of this world you can overcome the fear of death.
Remember, death is not the end.